07 December 2013

cute little bottoms

These little bottoms make me smile, smile, smile. Aren't babies just so delightful in every way.

01 October 2013

swimming flowers

I'm in love with my new swimmers. It was time the french stripes were put to rest.

25 September 2013

early morning sun

I love the early morning sun that beams into our living room. The warmth, the promise of a brand new day, the playfulness it brings.

where did I go, here

I wish I could eat this little ray of sunshine xx

3 years of a heavenly marriage

I thought he went for his early morning swim. Instead of the smell of chlorine he came home with the smell of flowers.

06 March 2013


I hope babes in arms screens this romantic delight.

05 March 2013

finally mindfulness

"The child offers a constant invitation into the presence and into play. And you can't play with a child unless you're prepared to be completely present. A creative energy of playfulness grows in us as we grow into our practice. Think of going for a walk with a young child, how incredibly long it takes to cover a block - so many things you have to look at, to comment on and ask questions about. Looking down into a puddle, you discover it is actually like a mirror. Is it a mirror or is it a window? Is that us we see in the puddle or is it another world? It looks different to this world. I remember when my daughter was was five or six we had to stop every time we saw moss and we had to walk our fingers through the fairy world like fairies - the little tiny clumps of moss were like fairy trees. So walks were very long, and time was very long. It's like the child elongates time till it starts to dissolve. They don't live in our tick-tock time. They force you to put aside for a while your usual goal-orientated behaviour. And that's an extraordinary gift and teaching."
- Sarah Napthali, Buddhism for Mothers.

Finally after 3 months I feel as if I have reached mindfulness. Blessed with our little gumnut, I realise the importance of that time I take to be present, touch her, kiss her, cuddle her, breath her in. I have done this all along, but the thought process of it was missing, finally I am here.